aditya hrudayam

 aditya hrudayam

- The Heart of Aditya (the Sun god) -
Sundara Khanda, Valmiki Ramayanam

Aditya means Aditya is the Sun God; Hridayam = the one that is particularly nourishing and healing for the heart.

Sage Agasthya Muni gave this powerful Mantra to Sri Rama at the time Rama was perplexed, while fighting with Ravana. After the chanting of this Hymn three times Sri Rama defeated Ravana.

The aditya hrudayam, is a hymn that glorifies the glory of the Sun or Surya and was offered by the legendary spiritual master Agastya for Lord Rama in battle, prior to fighting Ravana. This historic hymn starts at the beginning of the Battle with Ravana, when Lord Rama is exhausted and up to the fight. The mystical hymn is dircted for The Sun God, the illustrious god of all victories.

Nama Suryaya Santaya Sarvaroga Nivarine |
Ayu rarogya maisvairyam dehi devah jagatpate ||

Oh! Lord Surya is the God of all things you are the healer of all ailments, the reservoir of peace.
I bow before you. I pray that you bless your faithful with longevity, health and wealth.

1. By reciting aditya hrudayam Stotra Lord Sri Rama defeated Ravana and won victory.

2. "Tejaskamo Vibhavasum" people desirous of the Tejas-Aura surrounding them are required to repeat Aditya Hridaya Stotra. The Stotra is mentioned in Bhagavata.

3. With the blessings of Bhagavan Surya Kunti Devi was blessed with Kama and the Monkey Rurajasa with Sugreeva, as sons.

4. Satrajit gained the Syamantaka-mani through worshipping Surya.

5. Dharma Raja gathered Akshaya patra through worshipping Lord Surya and was able to entertain his guests with this wish yielding bowl.

6. "Dinesam Sukhardham" It is stated in Skanda purana that one has to pray to Surya Bhagavan to be happy and for happiness.

7. 7. Samba purana stated it was believed that Samba his son Jambavati could get himself cured of his leprosy by praying to Lord Surya.

8. Mayurabhatta could turn his body a diamond wise and became free from illness.

Sunday is a lot more dear for Aditya.
It is best to stay clear of keeping meals, company, or liquor during that time. Also one should be mindful of Celibacy on Sundays. Veda has said that it is crucial to rise early in the morning before sun rise. The method of Suryopasana is referred to as Naturopathy.

The person must rise in the early morning hours and give oblations to the Sun God. It is desirable to take bath in any lake pond or river. Then, stand in the opposite direction to Sun God and offer the Arghya. Then , the Cosmic Rays that cover the water flowing in Arghya pradana will emanate the energy received from the Sun's rays. Sun and will reflect onto our body. Therefore, the infectious germs within our body will die because of that, and let our body will receive life force energies (pranic sakti).

The Vedas say that the colors embedded in the Sun Rays heal all illnesses..

These Seven Rays These Seven Rays. 1. Red 2. Orange 3. Yellow 4. Green 5. Blue 6. Indigo 7. Violet These are the seven horses from Surya. We also can see the same colours within the Rainbow.

The process of curing diseases with the different colours of cosmic rays and their benefits are detailed.

This type of system called "Chromopathy" is the method of systematic application of the seven colors that are present in the Sun.

The health benefits as well as the methods used to achieve them are discussed. With this method, specific diseases and other common ailments are treated.

Leucoderma is a heart disease, when exposed to the harmful ultraviolet rays of Sun health will be reversed.

In this method, the blue color helps treat fever, dysentry, diabetics, blood motions. Headache, bronchitis, urinary problems, small pox filarial Elephantasis.

In the line of colours the orange is the final one, the ultra violet rays is hidden in its rays. As these rays shine on our body the "D" Vitamin within the middle of the Skin will be created.

The "D" Vitamin manufacture the substances Calcium and phosphorous, both of which are vital for our body. Thanks to these ingredients, teeth improve and assist the body to function optimally.

Because of chromopathy, hernia can be cured. The medicine used for cure is stored in bottles that are colored and let the Sun radiation to enter through and then mix it with two to three bottles at a time . It is used during three weeks. The results are noticed. Every disease that is red color, yellow stomach diseases, the green colour heart and all skin disorders are cured. In the Sun's ray all colours of red and white are penetrated in secret.

Our body has distinct colours in various organs. The skin has a wheatish hue, hair black, eye balls and teeth white, the other organs too has different hues in the body. The essence of this colour therapy is that the absence of colour and decrease of these colours can result in ill health.

Blue color is good for health, while the red color gives invigorates and energizes.

Depending upon the types of disease pure water is placed in different colored bottles, and the Sun rays are being attracted through the bottles into the water. Then, it is given to the diseased for few days and there by the colours in their body is recouped and health is restored.

The water and oil can be extracted from cosmic rays at the time from (April May, June, and April) Caitra to Jesta months. The Sun radiations are abundantly available.

The preparation of Medicated Oil is based on Sun Rays

To get rid of the disease of the head, you can pour gingelly oil or Badam ol 2 inches below the neck of the bottle. attach it to the cork or cotton, and store your bottle under Sun shine. If cotton is damaged, every day the cotton must be replaced. The oil is ready in 90 days. Once the oil has been prepared, perfume can be added however, not colour.

Preparation of Medicated Water Using Sun Rays

In accordance with the type of disease and the type of disease, in various coloured bottles, the water must be filled less than two inches to the full volume of container and the same coloured cork needs to be attached to the bottle. The oil or water has to be stored on a wood plank, instead of on the ground, and exposed at full brightness from 10 'O' clock in the morning until 5 'O'clock at night. While doing this, there should not be any shadows falling on the plank. If, for any reason, it's allowed to remain after the setting of Sun and the rays of the moon or Stars falls on them the water can be spoilt. The bottles have to be taken out of the water. It has to be cleansed, fresh water is filled up and the water is prepared.

When different bottles of different colours are stored in the same space or when they are exposed to Sun sunlight simultaneously, distinct colored paper matching their respective colours is wrapped and separately kept up with out touching each other and also each having its own colour of bottle won't cause harm to the other.

The water prepared in one bottle is not able to be kept more than three days. After that, it needs to be transferred to a white bottle. It's good for three days. It must be prepared separately. The water that is prepared by the Sun radiations inside a white bottle is extremely beneficial. It can be used 2 times per day.


1. He possesses Seven horses (Seven rays)

They are Jaya, Ajaya, Vijaya, Jitaprana, Jitakrama, Mano Japa, Jita Krodha (Bhavisya purana)

Jaya : The very first ray confers firm belief physical and mental strength generosity domination of others , as well as benevolence.

Ajaya offers Compassion, peace and wisdom, as well as inside understanding.

Vijaya : voracious reading, high thinking and the spiritual base.

Jita prana : Deep-thinking very kind, generous.

Jita Krama: gives the highest quality discipline, with extremely skilled and knowledgeable scientists.

Manojapa : Dedication and devotion genuine and follows the path of truth.

Jita krodha : In depth evaluation, artistic talent in fine arts and admiration of beauty, passion for display.

2. The Seven Chandas : (poetic metres)

1. The Gayatri 2. Jagati 3. Usnik 4. Tristupp 5. Anustupp 6. Pankti is now one of the horses. 7. the bhruhati Chanda became the seat in the centre of the Chariot. Surya Bhagavan is seated on this Chariot of Chandas and travel on the space.

3. Lord Surya has seven rays :

These are 1. Susumna 2. Suradana 3. Udanvasu 4. Visvakarma 5. Udavasu 6. Visvavyaca 7. Harikesa

"Susumna": This is equivalent to the brightness of thousand rayons. The rays that bear this name create Candra (Moon) the most beautiful. The Nectar offered by the fullmoon to all the panis gives them happiness and pleasure.

"Surandana" : The moon originates from this ray. Even the rays of are only the rayons of Surya (Sun) all by themselves.

"Udannvasu" : From this the Kuja graha (planet) was born. This ray of Surya is able to shield the living being from the defects of blood, and will give them health, wealth, and brilliance.

"Visva karma" It is the method of creating an Budhagraha (planet). The ray is able to eliminate any mental disturbances experienced by people and brings all prosperity and peace.

"Udavasu" : This ray builds Bruhaspati planet. It is a planet that brings pleasure and freedom for all living beings. By worshipping the planet, all hurdles, obstructions, challenges will be removed, and success will be attained.

"Visva vyaca" : From this ray Sukra and Sani have come into existence. Among them sukra is the one responsible in Virya (sperm) Sukra is the person who is responsible for humans' procreation. also his ray brings death. Therefore, by worshipping the ray one will get complete longevity.

"Harikesa" : Due to this Ray the entire constellation of Stars (Nakshatras) appear. These come to be known as Nashatra as they shield our bodies from loss of strength, virya and the loss of teja.

Surya is home to seven personnel from the service

They are 1. Namshatras 2. Months 3. Fortnights 4. Seasons 5. Years 6. Days 7. Nights.

He has seven indriyas (organs) they are 1. Two eyes 2. Two Nostrils 3. Two ears. One face. Surya Bhagavan is the person that activates the functions of these organs.

6. He has a horse name Sapta. With a Chariot bearing the same name, he is referred to as Sapta Sapti. The name Sapta Sapti is referred to at the close of Kalki Avatara's riding on this horse.

The seven hues of Surya

The seven colors include. 1. Red 2. Orange 3. Yellow 4. Green 5. Blue 6. Indigo 7. Violet, are the seven horses of Surya. We also observe the same colours in the Rainbow.


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