What is MBC to you in Tamil?
What is MBC to you in Tamil? MBC is the abbreviation for the word "Most Backward Class" . Tamil is the Hindi word meaning that we could declare that MBC is the name of the caste. MBC caste is Most Backward Class or The Most Backward. What category is MBC? MBC category refers to Backward and class Christians as well as backward-class Muslims of Tamilnadu . In addition, it is not a preceding of MBC category. OBC category- MBC will be included in the OBC category when the family earns less than six lakhs per annum. Otherwise , they fall under general category. Who is the No. 1 casting in Tamil Nadu? The top three castes as measured by the number of votes within Tamil Nadu are Thevar (also also known as Mukkulaththor), Vanniar and Kongu Vellalar (also also known as Gounder) . As is expected, they control the bulk of political power within the state. What exactly is MBC community? ...